08 April, 2010

Working of Free SMS (online)

If your are a regular Internet surfer, then you must have seen those websites with big banners reading something like "Free SMS", "Send free SMS to Indian mobiles", "Free SMS to world" or the likes of it. So you just click on the links to the free SMS, type the message down, give away the recipient's number and hit 'send'. Well, in most cases, if the website was a reliable one then you got your message delivered (There are a lot of fake sites which just do not deliver message, they just collect hits). But have you ever wondered what happened after you click on the 'send' button? Here is what happens:

After you click on the 'send' button, the web page you entered your message on, connects to its servers and sends an email message which again may be targeted to its own or any other server.

Say the number you sent the SMS to was 98333854xx. Now the first 4 characters (or numbers) will tell (here '9833') the servers the service provider
to which the targeted recipient is subscribed with. The mail generated by the web site's servers will be sent to the servers of the service provide of the target. The mail is usually sent in this format : 98337788xx@carrier.com. Now in the previous address, the "carrier.com" is the email address of the SMS server of the service provider of the target. Note however that this address may not be the same as that of the official site of the service provider. And the first part i.e. 98337788xx is the mobile number of the recipient.

After the mobile phone carrier's servers have received the request, the first thing they do is to check the availability of this number. If it is unavailable, the message is discarded, however in most cases, the discarded status is not shown on the web site's pages. If the number exists then the mail's contents which in fact is the text of the SMS entered by you on the website is forwarded to the actual mobile network
and the recipient receives the SMS.

Now the question arises that what sites or most importantly what is the type of the sites which deliver the most reliable service? The answer to this is in fact simple but despite your knowledge, some fancy web-pages make you think that they are reliable. The answer to the question goes like this: All the websites which are hosted by some mobile network or the sites with a huge people have the most reliable SMS delivery rates.
My friend Swashata has written an awesome post on the 'best free SMS providers'
look it once:-http://www.intechgrity.com/2009/08/send-free-sms-from-internet-to-any.html

1 comment:

  1. Thanks nice post, your background makes your blog complex


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