20 April, 2010

Alternatives to MS Excel

Almost all of us, use Microsoft Office in our daily life whether it is office work or our domestic work. I have posted an article 'Few Alternatives for MS office' .Today I am sharing few alternative specially for MS Excel. We will discuss about the  other applications available in the Internet that are similar to Microsoft–Excel. Let us start one by one:-

1. Open Office Calc:

This application is almost similar to Microsoft – Excel. But it has got an additional facility viz., Data Pilot which is useful in handling various types of data of an organization. This may useful in arriving at many decisions at organizational level. To download and use this program, please visit http://www.openoffice.org/product/calc.html

2. Abykus:

The Abykus 2.0 is a spreadsheet program. This program is very useful in dealing Commerce and Scientific data. This program has got "Statistical Wizard" which is found useful in dealing with enormous data. The additional features of this program are: Mathematical Formulae, above 190 in number, Matrix Equations, Equations on day and time and 3 Dimensional graphics. We can open and use any spreadsheet through this program. To download and use this application program, please visit: http://www.abykus.com/

3. Clean Sheets:

This spreadsheet program is first of its kind that can be used in all types of operating systems. This worksheet has been created using Java and hence to use this spreadsheet application, you need to install Java in your computer. To use this application program, please visit: http://csheets.sourceforge.net/

4. Spread32:

This is a comparatively smaller Spreadsheet program. It has got a matrix of 256 Columns and 65536 Rows. We can use more than 300 formulae in this application program. To use this program, please visit: http://www.xtort.net/office-and-productivity/floppy-office/

5. Edit Grid:

This application program is an online Spreadsheet program. It has all the utilities of Microsoft – Excel. We can just connect the data with this program and use all the Microsoft – Excel utilities for our requirements. To use this application program, please visit: http://www.editgrid.com

* We have numerous such Spreadsheet application program available in the Internet. The following are worth mentioning other programs in the sequence: Google Spreadsheets, Zoho Sheets, Num Sum, Simple Spreadsheet, wikiCalc, Zcubes calci, etc. Those who are interested to use these application programs may "Google Search" for it and use it as per requirements.


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