28 August, 2009

Different ways to Log-off | Shutdown PC

Different ways to Log-off | Shutdown PC

To log off your computer:

1.Press window key ;Press log off ;Again press log off
2.Press window key ; Press ‘l’ alphabet of keyboard ; Again press ‘l’ alphabet of keyboard
(In short press window key ; Press two times “l” alphabet of keyboard)
3.Right click on your desktop and select new;shortcut option. It will ask you to browse the shortcut. Browse “C:\WINDOWS\system32\logoff.exe” and give name to shortcut. Click on finish. When you want to log off your computer just double click on that shortcut.

To Shut down your computer:

1.Press window key ;Press shut down ; From windows dialog box select shut down option and click OK.
2.Press window key ; Press ‘u’ alphabet of keyboard ; Again press ‘u’ alphabet of keyboard OR From windows dialog box select shut down option and click OK.(In short press window key ; Press two times “u” alphabet of keyboard)
3.Right click on your desktop and select new;shortcut option. It will ask you to browse the shortcut. Browse “C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown.exe” and give name to shortcut. Click on finish. When you want to shut down your computer just double click on that shortcut.

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