06 December, 2012

Benefits of using Sleep Mode in Windows

This is our first post on the custom domain. :)

We try almost everything to boost-up our PC's performance. All of us hates the long long booting time of windows. But the fact is, though we use several software, several techniques like defragmenting or disc clean-up, we still can't get the appropriate results most of the times. I have personally used other operating systems such as Ubuntu Version 12.04 and earlier versions, and found their boot time is little less then windows operating system,

As an Alternative, we have an option of Stand-by mode in Windows XP, and Sleep mode in other higher versions. The sleep mode reduces the power consumption of the computer system & it takes very very little time to wake up and to get a truly usable desktop.

As per the data collected from Tech Hive, we have following approximate results-

For Windows 7-

Shutdown Time: 0:16 secs
Boot TIme: 1:06 secs
Sleep TIme: 0:18 secs
Wake-up Time: 0:02 secs

Talking about the power consumption in sleep mode, in most of the computer system, the power consumption is under 10Watts, which is not a big deal.
So rather than booting up your computer systems, try keeping your desktop on sleep mode, so that the long boot time of more than 1 min. is reduced to wake up time of 2-3secs.

Comment below if you have any queries or suggestions.

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